Online Reggae Magazine


Books about reggae, rastafari or Jamaica.

Beyond the Blood, the Beach and the Banana

New Perspectives in Caribbean Studies

Essay by Sandra Courtman


2004 Ian Randle Publishers 978-976-637-182-1 English

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Beyond the Blood, the Beach and the Banana emphasises the significance of the Caribbean in an increasingly globalised social world and draws attention to the contribution that scholarship in Caribbean Studies makes in coming to terms with a multi-cultural heritage. The compilation deliberately ranges in focus across periods, geographies, linguistic divisions and subject matter to present the fruition of significant individual research projects by 25 researchers from the Caribbean, North America and Europe. Contributions on the Hispanic, Dutch, African, Indian and Anglophone Caribbean juxtaposed with work on the Caribbean diasporas of the USA, UK, Canada and the Netherlands enrich the text with multiple perspectives. Cogently written with a comprehensive bibliography accompanying each chapter; the book strategically examines the Caribbean and its diasporas by dividing its analysis into methodological considerations; history, migration; governance and politics; visual and material culture; and literature of the Caribbean . Beyond the Blood, the Beach and the Banana is an essential read for those beginning or undertaking research in Caribbean Studies and for those interested in the historical roots of European and North American contemporary societies.


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