Online Reggae Magazine


Books about reggae, rastafari or Jamaica.

Power Game

Novel by Perry Henzell


1997 Hastings House 978-0803894006 English

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From the author, director, and producer of the cult film, The Harder They Come — which helped to create the market for reggae music in this country 25 years ago — comes the definitive insider novel of Caribbean politics, a hip roman à clef of an easily identifiable island. Henzell, a "first citizen" of Jamaica, has bared its hidden power struggles, drawing on his intimate knowledge of all the players. Against a background of music, sex, and gang war, the contestants keep their eye on the bottom line: the price of oil, the price of bauxite, the price of ganja. It is by manipulating these prices that the destinies of the many are decided by a handful of key figures. Mike Bernard controls the army. Winston Bernard controls the banks. Michelle controls the media. Zack controls the streets. Eddie controls the cash in the ganja trade. Each believes that when the crucial moment comes, he — or she — will prevail.




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