Online Reggae Magazine


Movies about reggae, rastafari or Jamaica.

Rastafari: The Journey Of Jah People

Rastafari: The Journey Of Jah People

Year: 2007
Genre: Documentary
Country :Jamaica / Argentina
Director :Silvestre Jacobi
Production(s) :Mistika Films

From the reds, golds and greens that colour everything from shop hoardings to belts and buses, and the beaming dreads that adorn comercials and tourist brochures, the outer trappings of Jamaica’s newest and most visible religious movement are inescapable.

Popularity: 31497 visitors.


Rastafari has influenced all aspects of society from art and craft to politics, academia, languaje and particularly music. Reggae music has been the voice of rastafarians and gave international recognitions to the movement.

Rastafari - the journey of Jah people reveals the history, believes and reality of this popular movement.

Cast - All actors

Woolton 'Jah Bull' Harrison Jah bull
Llewelyn 'Baboo' Samuda Baboo
Luis 'Farmer Roots' Christie Farmer roots
Brenda Finlayson Brenda finlayson

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Rastafari: The Journey Of Jah People
Rastafari: The Journey Of Jah People - 2007

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