Year: | 2000 |
Genre: | Documentary |
Country : | France / Mauritius |
Director : | Michel Vuillermet |
Production(s) : | RFO, Zarafa Films |
KAYA, a famous singer has just died in police custody. He had just taken part in a legal concert in favor of the de-penalization of soft drugs. With the news of his death, riots burst all over the island.
Mauritius Island, Sunday February 21, 1999, KAYA, a famous singer has just died in police custody. He had just taken part in a legal concert in favor of the de-penalization of soft drugs. With the news of his death, riots burst all over the island. A democratic country, quoted as example, which is struck by a “social cyclone” of a completely exceptional violence.
Nat dit :
A second autopsy reveals that Kaya was victim of police brutality. The revolt sets ablaze the popular towns and areas where Kaya, Rasta singer, precursor of a style, the SEGGAE. He was the protesting voice of the young people of any origins, but especially of the Creole Blacks. This new music, which is a mixture the REGGAE and the SEGA, traditional Mauritian music, conveys strong opinions: the cultural mix of society, fusion, non-violence.
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